
Vorname Familienname Details Eltern Datenbank
Louis Herman RUNGE * 1861 Indianola, Calhoun, Texas, USA + 1936 Galveston, Texas, USA RUNGE - Hornung
Antonette Nettie Schweikart * 1867 Houston, Harris County, Texas, United States of America + 1923 Houston, Harris County, Texas, United States of America Schweikart - Kuhule
George Schwoebel * 1882 Texas, United States + 1968 Galveston, Texas, USA Schwoebel - Erhold
Odessa Alese Seely * 1882 Center, Ralls, Missouri, USA + 1936 Galveston, Texas, USA Seeley - McClure
John Joseph Stark * 1850 Galveston, Texas, USA + 1922 San Antonio, Bexar, Texas, USA Stark - Knoll
Joan Marie Stump * 1945 Galveston, Texas, USA + 2019 Fredericksburg Stump - Fragua
John Wilson Stump * 1916 Galveston, Texas, USA + 1968 Houston, Texas, USA -
John Wilson Stump * 1892 Galveston, Texas, USA + 1949 Galveston, Texas, USA -
Mary Audrey Stump * 1919 Galveston, Texas, USA + 2004 Houston, Harris, Texas, USA -
Peter Durst Trube * 1863 Houston, Harris, Texas, United States + 1910 Galveston, Galveston, Texas, United States -
Louis R. Vordenbaum * 1849 Galveston, Texas, USA + 1934 -