
Keine Person mit der Nummer 1150681903 gefunden.
Vorname Familienname Details Eltern Datenbank
Ealhswith of Mercia * 852 Mercia, England + 905 St. Mary's Abbey, Winchester, England of Mercia -
Ethelfleda of Mercia * 980 Mercia, England + -
Eahlwið (Æthelgyth, Ethelswida, Alswitha) of the Gaini (Princess of Mercia) * 852 Mercia, England + Winchester, Dorset Æðelred 'Mucil' Ealdorman Of The Gaini Of Mercia - Of Mercia
Ealdorman Leofwine of the Hwicce * 945 Mercia, England + 1023 of the Hwicce -
Ælfwine of the Hwicce * 940 Mercia, England -
Lucy Taillebois "Tailboys" * 1068 Mercia, England + 1136 Chester, Cheshire, England De Taillebois - Bucknall of Bolingbroke
Ealhswith von Gaini * Mercia, ENGLAND + 905 St. Mary's Abbey, Winchester, ENGLAND Mucel - von Mercia
Aethelgyth von Mercia * Mercia, England + England Fitzethelred - Wessex
Queen von Mercia-England * Mercia, England + St. Mary s Abbey, Winchester, Dorsetshire, England Mucil - Fadburn
Aelfgar von Mercien * 1017 Mercia, England + 1063 -
Ælgifu of Wessex * 997 Wessex, England + 1092 Mercia, England England - York