
Vorname Familienname Details Eltern Datenbank
Don Gedalyah David Ibn Yahya * 1503 Constantinople, Ottoman Empire + 1575 Constantinople =Konstantinopel (today Istanbul/ Turkey =Türkei) Ibn Yahya - Don Yayha=Yechiya
Gedaliah ben David Ibn Yahya * 1437 Lisboa (Lissabon), Portugal + 1487 Constantinople =Konstantinopel (today Istanbul/ Turkey =Türkei) Ibn Jahia =Yahya -
Yosef =Joseph ha-Rofe ben Yaacov Tam Ibn Yahya * 1510 Constantinople =Konstantinopel (today Istanbul/ Turkey =Türkei) + 1573 battle (because he was obliged to be in constant attendance of the Sultan, also on travels and in war) Ibn Yahya - Don Yayha=Yechiya