
Vorname Familienname Details Eltern Datenbank
Louis Emil Gustav (Lived in Streckentin 1898) SCHÖNKNECHT or Schoenknecht * 1869 Ulrikenthal (Ostrozyce), Kreis Ostenberg, Germany + 1945 Krzeszyce, Lubuskie, Poland Schönknecht - Schlaak
Louis Emil Gustav (Lived in Streckentin 1898) SCHÖNKNECHT or Schoenknecht * 1869 Ulrikenthal (Ostrozyce), Kreis Ostenberg, Germany + 1945 Krzeszyce, Lubuskie, Poland Schönknecht - Schlaak
Emma Marie Louise (Wife of Louis Schoenknecht in Streckentin 1898) Selchow * 1871 Krzeszyce, Lubuskie, Poland + 1956 O -
Emma Marie Louise (Wife of Louis Schoenknecht in Streckentin 1898) Selchow * 1871 Krzeszyce, Lubuskie, Poland + 1956 O -