
Vorname Familienname Details Eltern Datenbank
Maude Eckwortzell * 1904 Bluegrass, Morton, North Dakota, United States + 2000 New Salem, Morton, North Dakota, United States -
Maude Eckwortzell * 1904 Bluegrass, Morton, North Dakota, United States + 2000 New Salem, Morton, North Dakota, United States -
Fred Carl Christian Max Becker * 1889 Morton, North Dakota, United States + 1946 New Salem, Morton, North Dakota, United States -
Fred Carl Christian Max Becker * 1889 Morton, North Dakota, United States + 1946 New Salem, Morton, North Dakota, United States -
Alfred Paul Theodore Conitz * 1886 Wanatah, LaPorte, Indiana, United States + 1936 New Salem, Morton, North Dakota, United States Conitz - Keil
Alfred Paul Theodore Conitz * 1886 Wanatah, LaPorte, Indiana, United States + 1936 New Salem, Morton, North Dakota, United States Conitz - Keil
Edward Herbert Adolph Conitz * 1889 Wanatah, LaPorte, Indiana, United States + 1977 New Salem, Morton, North Dakota, United States Conitz - Keil
Edward Herbert Adolph Conitz * 1889 Wanatah, LaPorte, Indiana, United States + 1977 New Salem, Morton, North Dakota, United States Conitz - Keil
Emil Hermann Conitz * 1854 Uschneudorf, Posen, Kingdom of Prussia, Germany + 1927 New Salem, Morton, North Dakota, United States -
Emil Hermann Conitz * 1854 Uschneudorf, Posen, Kingdom of Prussia, Germany + 1927 New Salem, Morton, North Dakota, United States -
Herman Richard Edward Conitz * 1888 Wanatah, LaPorte, Indiana, United States + 1959 New Salem, Morton, North Dakota, United States Conitz - Keil
Herman Richard Edward Conitz * 1888 Wanatah, LaPorte, Indiana, United States + 1959 New Salem, Morton, North Dakota, United States Conitz - Keil
Hilmer Emil Rudolf Conitz * 1893 Wanatah, LaPorte, Indiana, United States + 1965 New Salem, Morton, North Dakota, United States Conitz - Keil
Hilmer Emil Rudolf Conitz * 1893 Wanatah, LaPorte, Indiana, United States + 1965 New Salem, Morton, North Dakota, United States Conitz - Keil
Mable Conitz * 1906 New Salem, Morton, North Dakota, United States Conitz - Keil
Mable Conitz * 1906 New Salem, Morton, North Dakota, United States Conitz - Keil
Anna Eckwortzell * 1892 New Salem, Morton, North Dakota, United States + 1951 New Salem, Morton, North Dakota, United States -
Anna Eckwortzell * 1892 New Salem, Morton, North Dakota, United States + 1951 New Salem, Morton, North Dakota, United States -
Ida Auguste Keil * 1861 Wanatah, LaPorte, Indiana, United States + 1944 New Salem, Morton, North Dakota, United States Keil - Fröhlich
Ida Auguste Keil * 1861 Wanatah, LaPorte, Indiana, United States + 1944 New Salem, Morton, North Dakota, United States Keil - Fröhlich
Jesse Vernon McCormick * 1878 Mendota, La Salle, Illinois, United States + 1951 New Salem, Morton, North Dakota, United States -
Jesse Vernon McCormick * 1878 Mendota, La Salle, Illinois, United States + 1951 New Salem, Morton, North Dakota, United States -
Anna Augusta Rasch * 1855 Oberhermersdorf + 1907 New Salem, Morton, North Dakota, United States -
Frieda Speck * 1887 New Salem, Morton, North Dakota, United States + 1921 New Salem, Morton, North Dakota, United States -
Anna Zeutschel * 1917 New Salem, Morton, North Dakota, United States + 1957 New Salem, Morton, North Dakota, United States Zeutschel - Speck
Florence R. Zeutschel * 1911 New Salem, Morton, North Dakota, United States Zeutschel - Speck
Harold Carl Zeutschel * 1913 New Salem, Morton, North Dakota, United States + 1925 Bismarck, Burleigh, North Dakota, United States Zeutschel - Speck
Julius Richard Zeutschel * 1849 Coburg + 1926 New Salem, Morton, North Dakota, United States -
Kurt Georg Zeutschel * 1915 New Salem, Morton, North Dakota, United States Zeutschel - Speck
Lorraine Zeutschel * 1936 New Salem, Morton, North Dakota, United States + 1936 New Salem, Morton, North Dakota, United States Zeutschel - Allgeyer
Ruth Zeutschel * 1912 New Salem, Morton, North Dakota, United States Zeutschel - Speck