
Vorname Familienname Details Eltern Datenbank
Mary Jane King * 1851 + 1891 Dinard, Departement d'Ille-et-Vilaine, Bretagne, France King - Wheaton
Samuel Wyllys Pomeroy * 1836 Cincinnati, Hamilton County, Ohio, United States of America + 1901 Genoa, Città Metropolitana di Genova, Liguria, Italy -
Samuel Wyllys Wyllys Pomeroy * 1879 Newport, Newport County, Rhode Island, United States of America + 1929 Hartford, Hartford County, Connecticut, United States of America Pomeroy - King
Anna Eliot Ticknor * 1823 Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts + 1896 Newport, Newport County, Rhode Island, United States of America Ticknor - Eliot
Sarah Gibbs Wheaton * 1815 Newport, Newport, Rhode Island, USA + 1882 Newport, Newport County, Rhode Island, United States of America -