
Vorname Familienname Details Eltern Datenbank
Elizabeth Ross Anderson * 1919 Orange, Kalifornien, USA + 1998 Orange County, California, United States of America -
Alice Elaine Goldsworthy * 1926 Pennsylvania + 1972 Orange County, California, United States of America Goldsworthy - Lyman
Mary A. Meyerhoff * 1862 Wine Hill, Randolph, Illinois + 1926 Orange County, California, United States of America Meyerhoff - Denke
Katherine Mueller * 1839 Baden, Germany + 1930 Orange County, California, United States of America -
Byron Francis Nelson * 1946 Orange County, California, United States of America + 2003 Turin, Monona County, Iowa, United States of America Nelson - Nelson Quigley
Wilhelm Schlageter * 1835 Lorrach, Baden-Württemberg, Germany + 1920 Orange County, California, United States of America Schlageter - Amrein
William John Thole * 1894 St. Louis City, Missouri, United States of America + 1957 Orange County, California, United States of America -
Jacob Yost * 1848 Green Village, Franklin County, Pennsylvania, United States of America + 1940 Orange County, California, United States of America Yost - Bender