
Vorname Familienname Details Eltern Datenbank
Albert Fred Balfany * 1884 Redwood County, Minnesota, United States of America + 1952 La Crosse, La Crosse County, Wisconsin, United States of America Balfanz - Basel
Anton Balfany * 1894 Redwood County, Minnesota, United States of America + 1952 Brown County, Minnesota, United States of America Balfanz - Basel
Carl F. Balfany * 1888 Minnesota, United States of America + 1959 Redwood County, Minnesota, United States of America Balfanz - Basel
Nettie Balfany * 1883 Redwood County, Minnesota, United States of America + 1942 Polk County, Minnesota, United States of America Balfanz - Basel
Valentine Gilb * 1855 Herxheim, Südliche Weinstraße, Rheinland-Pfalz, Deutschland + 1923 Lyon County, Minnesota, United States of America Gilb - Ohmer
Henriette Mueller * 1856 Germany + 1932 Redwood County, Minnesota, United States of America Müller - Klug
Henry Carl Schmidt * 1911 Redwood County, Minnesota, United States of America + 1986 Brown County, Minnesota, United States of America Schmidt - Schmidt
Arthur Joesph Ubel * 1916 Brown County, Minnesota, United States of America + 1995 Redwood County, Minnesota, United States of America -