Elizabeth J. BECKMAN


Type Value Date Place Sources
name Elizabeth J. BECKMAN


Type Date Place Sources
death 4. December 1895
Green Creek, Effingham, Illinois, United States Find persons in this place
Green Creek, Effingham County, Illinois, United States of America Find persons in this place
birth June 1863
Saint Henry, Mercer, Ohio, United States Find persons in this place


Marriage ??spouse_en_US??Children

George Henry MEYER


1 U.S., Find A Grave Index, 1600s-Current
Author: Ancestry.com
Publication: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc.


Title Voelker Ruettiger

Acker Blattner Bidmann Brendel Baumann Beck Beger Ditton Einhorn Fischer Falck Flick Frey Finck Feiler Gartner Grossell Haller Hummel Herrmann Jordan Kretz Kuhn Kleeman Kaltschmidt Lechner Muller Meron Meyer Maurer Merck Ruttiger Scheid Scheit Scheidt

Id 60597
Upload date 2021-04-02 09:36:48.0
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email voelkertommy@gmail.com


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