
Vorname Familienname Details Eltern Datenbank
Her(r)mann Sch(le)muel JOSEPHY * 1869 Ludwigslust near Schwerin, Grand Duchy =Großherzogtum of Mecklenburg-Schwerin, North German Confederation =Norddeutscher Bund + 1942 Concentration Camp =KZ Theresienstadt (Terezin), Bohemia=Böhmen (today Czech Republic) JOSEPHY - MEINUNGEN
Gustav JOSEPHY, 1905 JOSEPHI * 1857 Parchim near Schwerin, Grand Duchy =Großherzogtum of Mecklenburg-Schwerin, German Confederation =Deutscher Bund + 1943 Concentration Camp =KZ Theresienstadt (Terezin)/ Bohemia=Böhmen (today Czech Republic) JOSEPHY - AARONS, 1855 AHRENS, 1856 JOSEPHY
Else KALLMANN * 1877 Stargard-Pommerania/Germany, now Poland + Concentration Camp KALLMANN - JOSEPH
Eva KALLMANN * 1921 Berlin , Germany + Concentration Camp KALLMANN - PARADIES
Erna Kempner * 1892 Breslau/ Lower Silesia =Niederschlesien/ Kingdom of Prussia =Königreich Preußen, German Empire =Deutsches Kaiserreich (today: Wroclav/ Poland) + 1944 Concentration Camp =KZ, Germany -
Alfred Kohn * 1882 + 1943 Concentration Camp -
Alfred Kohn * 1882 + 1943 Concentration Camp -
Clara LADEWIG * 1856 Crivitz near Schwerin, Mecklenburg + 1942 concentration Camp Treblinka (today Poland) LADEWIG - STERN
Lucie Lamm * 1899 + 1943 Concentration Camp Philipsborn - Philipsborn
Lucie Lamm * 1899 + 1943 Concentration Camp Philipsborn - Philipsborn
Paul Lamm * 1892 + 1943 Concentration Camp -
Paul Lamm * 1892 + 1943 Concentration Camp -
Max LAZARUS * 1885 Wittenburg near Schwerin, Grand Duchy =Großherzogtum of Mecklenburg-Schwerin, German Empire =Deutsches Kaiserreich. + 1942 Concentration Camp =KZ in Minsk, Reichskommissariat Ostland, UdSSR (today: Minsk, Belarus =Weissrussland) LAZARUS - WALDHEIM
Paula Levy * 1893 Bad Sülze near Rostock, Grand Duchy =Großherzogtum of Mecklenburg-Schwerin, German Empire =Deutsches Kaiserreich + 1942 Concentration Camp =KZ LEVY - ENGEL
Sally Levy * 1884 Neuwied, Germany + Concentration Camp -
Fanny LEVY, 1920 LEVY-GLÜCKSTADT * 1894 Hamburg + 1942 Concentration Camp =KZ Auschwitz/ Upper Silesia =Oberschlesien (today: Oswiecim in Poland=Polen) -
Elsa Lewandowsky * 1886 Hamburg + 1944 Concentration Camp =KZ Auschwitz -
Else LEWY\ VOGEL\ NATHAN * 1898 Culm on the Weichsel/ West Prussia =Westpreußen/ Kingdom of Prussia =Königreich Preußen, German Empire =Deutsches Kaiserreich (today: Chelmno in Polen=Poland) + 1944 Concentration Camp =KZ Birkenau/Auschwitz/ Upper Silesia =Oberschlesien (today: Oswiecim in Poland=Polen) -
Clara LÖWENTHAL * 1872 Dömitz on the Elbe (near Hagenow), Grand Duchy =Großherzogtum of Mecklenburg-Schwerin, German Empire =Deutsches Kaiserreich + 1943 Concentration Camp =KZ Auschwitz/ Upper Silesia =Oberschlesien (today: Oswiecim in Poland=Polen) (1943 dorthin deportiert) LÖWENTHAL - BENTHEIM
Eddi(e)-Peter LÖWENTHAL * 1938 Berlin + 1943 Concentration Camp =KZ Auschwitz/ Upper Silesia =Oberschlesien (today: Oswiecim in Poland=Polen) LÖWENTHAL - A(A)RON
Otto Carl LÖWENTHAL * 1899 Schwerin, Grand Duchy =Großherzogtum of Mecklenburg-Schwerin, German Empire =Deutsches Kaiserreich + 1943 Concentration Camp =KZ Auschwitz/ Upper Silesia =Oberschlesien (today: Oswiecim in Poland=Polen) LÖWENTHAL - DREYER
Renate LÖWENTHAL * 1931 Berlin + 1943 Concentration Camp =KZ Auschwitz/ Upper Silesia =Oberschlesien (today: Oswiecim in Poland=Polen) LÖWENTHAL - A(A)RON
Martha Mansfeld * 1886 Hannover, Deutschland + 1943 Concentration Camp Oświęcim,, Oświęcim, Distretto di Oświęcim, Voivodato della Piccola Polonia, Poland Mansfeld - David
Alice MARCUS * 1890 + 1942 Concentration Camp =KZ Friedländer\ MARCUS - Jacobsen
Willi-or-Willy MARCUS * 1888 Schwaan near Rostock, Grand Duchy =Großherzogtum of Mecklenburg-Schwerin, German Empire =Deutsches Kaiserreich + 1942 Concentration Camp =KZ Friedländer\ MARCUS - Jacobsen
Hannacha MEINUNGEN * 1940 Hagenow near Schwerin, Mecklenburg/ Third Empire =Drittes Reich + 1942 Concentration Camp =KZ Auschwitz/ Upper Silesia =Oberschlesien (today: Oswiecim in Poland=Polen). MEINUNGEN - TOBIAS
Margarete Ottilie Michael * 1873 Leipzig, Sachsen + 1943 Concentration Camp =KZ Theresienstadt, Bohemia =Böhmen (today: Terezin, Czech Republic) MICHAEL - BING
Otto* MICHAEL * 1876 Leipzig/ Saxony =Sachsen + 1944 Concentration Camp =KZ Theresienstadt/ Bohemia =Böhmen (today: Terezin/ Czech Republic) MICHAEL - BING
Friedrich Nathan * 1888 Weimar/ Thüringen + 1944 Concentration Camp =KZ Birkenau/ Auschwitz/ Upper Silesia =Oberschlesien (today: Oswiecim in Poland=Polen) Nathan - FRIEDLÄNDER, 1884 MARCUS, NATHAN
Hedwig Philippsborn * 1863 + 1943 Concentration Camp/Ghetto -
Hedwig Philippsborn * 1863 + 1943 Concentration Camp/Ghetto -
Georg Philipsborn * 1876 + 1942 Concentration Camp Philippsborn - Philippsborn
Georg Philipsborn * 1876 + 1942 Concentration Camp Philippsborn - Philippsborn
Gertrud Philipsborn * 1900 + 1943 Concentration Camp -
Gertrud Philipsborn * 1900 + 1943 Concentration Camp -
Hans Philipsborn * 1896 + 1943 Concentration Camp Philipsborn - Philipsborn
Hans Philipsborn * 1896 + 1943 Concentration Camp Philipsborn - Philipsborn
Albert ROSENBAUM * 1888 Hamburg-Harvestehude + 1943 Concentration Camp =KZ Sobibor (today Poland) ROSENBAUM - MARCUS
Ella Minna ROSENBERG * 1885 Krakow am See =on the lake, Grand Duchy =Großherzogtum of Mecklenburg-Schwerin, German Empire =Deutsches Kaiserreich + 1944 Concentration Camp =KZ Auschwitz, Upper Silesia =Oberschlesien (today: Oswiecim in Poland=Polen) ROSENBERG - WEIL
Ferdinand ROSENSTERN * 1880 Hamburg + 1944 Concentration Camp =KZ Auschwitz ROSENSTERN -
Alfred ROTH * 1871 Konitz/ Westpreußen (90 km SW von Danzig) (today: Chojnice/ Polen) + 1942 Concentration Camp =KZ Theresienstadt/ Bohemia=Böhmen/ Third Empire =Drittes Reich (today: Terezin/ Czech Republic) ROTH - HINRICHSEN
Rose SALOMON * 1880 København + 1944 Concentration Camp =KZ Theresienstadt (Terezin)/ Bohemia=Böhmen (today Czech Republic) SALOMON - Simonsen
Else Rahel Samulon * 1898 Graudenz (Grudziadz) on the Weichsel/ (Hinter-) Pommern + 1944 Concentration Camp =KZ Birkenau/ Auschwitz/ Upper Silesia =Oberschlesien (today: Oswiecim in Poland=Polen) -
Eugenie SCHEINESSON * 1852 Riga/ Latvia =Lettland + 1943 Concentration Camp =KZ Theresienstadt (Terezin)/ Bohemia=Böhmen (today Czech Republic) SCHEINESSON - Traugott
Samuel Schlochauer * 1878 + 1943 Concentration Camp -
Samuel Schlochauer * 1878 + 1943 Concentration Camp -
Samuel Schlochauer * 1878 Kalisz Pomorski, Pomorskie, Poland + 1945 Concentration Camp, Oswiecim, Oświęcim County, Lesser Poland Voivodeship, Poland Schlochauer - Giesenow
Kela SCHWARZSCHILD\ BAMBERGER * 1890 Hamburg. (nbb doesn't know for sure, neiter date nor location) + 1942 Concentration Camp =KZ Minsk/ Belarus =Weissrussland -
Veith Stern * 1845 Wittingau Trebon AE + 1943 Concentration camp Stern - Pick
Wilhelm Stern * 1882 Wittingau Trebon AE + 1943 Concentration camp Stern - Bondy