
Vorname Familienname Details Eltern Datenbank
Ursula Wurtz * 1716 Wenslingen, Basel-Landschaft, Switzerland + 1740 Aboard ship"Friendship" enroute to USA -
Ursula Wurtz * 1716 Wenslingen, Basel-Landschaft, Switzerland + 1740 Aboard ship"Friendship" enroute to USA -
Ursula Wurtz * 1716 Wenslingen, Basel-Landschaft, Switzerland + 1740 Aboard ship"Friendship" enroute to USA -
Ursula Wurtz * 1716 Wenslingen, Basel-Landschaft, Switzerland + 1740 Aboard ship"Friendship" enroute to USA -
Ursula Wurtz * 1716 Wenslingen, Basel-Landschaft, Switzerland + 1740 Aboard ship"Friendship" enroute to USA -