
Vorname Familienname Details Eltern Datenbank
Sir John Grey * 1432 Groby, Leicestershire, England + 1460 Battle of St Albans, Hertfordshire, England De Grey - de Ferrers
Henry de Percy * 1393 Alnwick Castle, Northumberland, England + 1455 BATTLE OF ST ALBANS, Hertfordshire, England PERCY - MORTIMER
Henry de Percy * 1393 Alnwick Castle, Northumberland, England + 1455 BATTLE OF ST ALBANS, Hertfordshire, England PERCY - MORTIMER
Henry de Percy * 1393 Alnwick Castle, Northumberland, England + 1455 BATTLE OF ST ALBANS, Hertfordshire, England PERCY - MORTIMER
Henry de Percy * 1393 Alnwick Castle, Northumberland, England + 1455 BATTLE OF ST ALBANS, Hertfordshire, England PERCY - MORTIMER
Henry de Percy * 1393 Alnwick Castle, Northumberland, England + 1455 BATTLE OF ST ALBANS, Hertfordshire, England PERCY - MORTIMER