
Vorname Familienname Details Eltern Datenbank
Nicholas I. de Malmayns * 1195 Epsom, Surrey, England + 1240 Burton, Northamptonshire, England - Crespin
Nicholas II. de Malmayns * 1228 Burton, Northamptonshire, England + 1291 England de Malmayns -
Ela Malmayns * 1220 Burton, Northamptonshire, England + Malmayns - Andevill
Ela Malmayns * 1220 Burton, Northamptonshire, England + Malmayns - Andevill
Nicholas Malmayns * 1203 Epsom, Surrey, England + 1240 Burton, Northamptonshire, England Malmayns of Hadlegh - de Tillieres
Nicholas Malmayns * 1203 Epsom, Surrey, England + 1240 Burton, Northamptonshire, England Malmayns of Hadlegh - de Tillieres
Emma von Dinan * 1120 Burton, Northamptonshire, England + 1208 von Dinan - von Penthièvre