
Vorname Familienname Details Eltern Datenbank
Virgil Poncio Nuckols * 1857 New Lexington, Tuscaloosa County, Alabama, United States of America + 1904 Grandview, Johnson County, Texas, United States of America -
Mary Teresa Quinn * 1934 Palo Pinto, Texas, USA + 2012 Cleburne, Johnson, Texas, USA Quinn - Philipps
Adelheid Sonntag * 1859 Deutschland + 1941 Harris County, Texas, United States of America -
Herman Bernhard Sonntag * 1896 + 1973 Sonntag - Sonntag
Karl Ludwig Bernhard Sonntag * 1851 Eichhorst, Barnim, Brandenburg, Deutschland + 1927 Cleburne, Johnson County, Texas, United States of America Sonntag - Thiele