
Vorname Familienname Details Eltern Datenbank
Charles C. Goree * 1849 8th District,Butts County,GEORGA + 1937 City Of Teague,Freestone, County,TEXAS -
Charles C. Goree * 1849 8th District,Butts County,GEORGA + 1937 City Of Teague,Freestone, County,TEXAS -
Sarah Ann Elizabeth Sallie Powell * 1847 Alabama, United States + 1941 At Home Mexia Rt #2,Freestone County,TEXAS Powell - Kimbrough
Sarah Ann Elizabeth Sallie Powell * 1847 Alabama, United States + 1941 At Home Mexia Rt #2,Freestone County,TEXAS Powell - Kimbrough
Julia Dorinda Seely * 1884 Wortham, Freestone County, TEXAS + 1967 At Home 609 Lousiania Street Longview,Gregg County,TEXAS Seely - Powell
Julia Dorinda Seely * 1884 Wortham, Freestone County, TEXAS + 1967 At Home 609 Lousiania Street Longview,Gregg County,TEXAS Seely - Powell