
Vorname Familienname Details Eltern Datenbank
Esther Elizabeth Lustig * 1913 Cottonwood, Idaho, Idaho, USA + 2005 Cottonwood, Idaho, Idaho, USA - Monastery of St. Gertrude Lustig - Jansen
Esther Elizabeth Lustig * 1913 Cottonwood, Idaho, Idaho, USA + 2005 Cottonwood, Idaho, Idaho, USA - Monastery of St. Gertrude Lustig - Jansen
Esther Elizabeth Lustig * 1913 Cottonwood, Idaho, Idaho, USA + 2005 Cottonwood, Idaho, Idaho, USA - Monastery of St. Gertrude Lustig - Jansen
Esther Elizabeth Lustig * 1913 Cottonwood, Idaho, Idaho, USA + 2005 Cottonwood, Idaho, Idaho, USA - Monastery of St. Gertrude Lustig - Jansen
Esther Elizabeth Lustig * 1913 Cottonwood, Idaho, Idaho, USA + 2005 Cottonwood, Idaho, Idaho, USA - Monastery of St. Gertrude Lustig - Jansen