
Vorname Familienname Details Eltern Datenbank
Ernst (Ernest) Wilhelm Berthold Knuth * 1876 Darsekow Abbau, Kreis Rummelsburg, Pommern, Prussia + 1940 Arden, MI Knuth - Ramlow
Florentine (Auguste) Knuth * 1881 Darsekow Abbau, Kreis Rummelsburg, Pommern, Prussia + 1887 Died on board ship near Ellis island of smallpox Knuth - Ramlow
Pauline Theresa (Helena) Knuth * 1879 Darsekow Abbau, Kreis Rummelsburg, Pommern, Prussia + 1887 Died on board ship near Ellis island of smallpox Knuth - Ramlow