
Vorname Familienname Details Eltern Datenbank
Daniel (Instmann-laborer in Ost Deep) Blank + Deep? (Dzwirzyno), Kreis Kolberg-Körlin, Pomerania, Germany -
Daniel (Instmann-laborer in Ost Deep) Blank + Deep? (Dzwirzyno), Kreis Kolberg-Körlin, Pomerania, Germany -
Dorothea (Wife of Ferdinand? Paape in Colberg-Deep) Brandt + Deep? (Dzwirzyno), Kreis Kolberg-Körlin, Pomerania, Germany -
Dorothea (Wife of Ferdinand? Paape in Colberg-Deep) Brandt + Deep? (Dzwirzyno), Kreis Kolberg-Körlin, Pomerania, Germany -
Carl Friedrich Wilhelm (Kossat-cottager in Ost Deep) Olhoff * 1826 Deep? (Dzwirzyno), Kreis Kolberg-Körlin, Pomerania, Germany Olhoff - Olhoff
Carl Friedrich Wilhelm (Kossat-cottager in Ost Deep) Olhoff * 1826 Deep? (Dzwirzyno), Kreis Kolberg-Körlin, Pomerania, Germany Ollhoff - Blank
Ferdinand or Hans or Johann (Farmer in Colberger-Deep) Paape or Pape + Deep? (Dzwirzyno), Kreis Kolberg-Körlin, Pomerania, Germany -
Ferdinand or Hans or Johann (Farmer in Colberger-Deep) Paape or Pape + Deep? (Dzwirzyno), Kreis Kolberg-Körlin, Pomerania, Germany -
Friedbert or Friebert (First mention 1890-unsure of father-farm owner in Glanse) Paape or Pape * 1847 Deep? (Dzwirzyno), Kreis Kolberg-Körlin, Pomerania, Germany Paape or Pape - Weiher
Friedbert or Friebert (First mention 1890-unsure of father-farm owner in Glanse) Paape or Pape * 1847 Deep? (Dzwirzyno), Kreis Kolberg-Körlin, Pomerania, Germany Paape or Pape - Weiher
Hulda (From ?-first mention 1901-wife of Otto Storm) Scharping * 1880 Deep? (Dzwirzyno), Kreis Kolberg-Körlin, Pomerania, Germany -
Hulda (From ?-first mention 1901-wife of Otto Storm) Scharping * 1880 Deep? (Dzwirzyno), Kreis Kolberg-Körlin, Pomerania, Germany -
Maria (Wife of Wilhelm Paape of Colberg-Deep) Weiher + 1890 Deep? (Dzwirzyno), Kreis Kolberg-Körlin, Pomerania, Germany -
Maria (Wife of Wilhelm Paape of Colberg-Deep) Weiher + 1890 Deep? (Dzwirzyno), Kreis Kolberg-Körlin, Pomerania, Germany -
Martin Wilhelm (Bauer-farmer in Colberg Deep) Ziese * 1800 Deep? (Dzwirzyno), Kreis Kolberg-Körlin, Pomerania, Germany -
Martin Wilhelm (Bauer-farmer in Colberg Deep) Ziese * 1800 Deep? (Dzwirzyno), Kreis Kolberg-Körlin, Pomerania, Germany -