
Vorname Familienname Details Eltern Datenbank
Sir William XIII, Keeper of the Forest Dene, Hathaway * 1440 Gloucestershire, England + Dene Flaxley Ardlonde Flaxleie, Gloucestershire, England -
Sir William XIII, Keeper of the Forest Dene, Hathaway * 1440 Gloucestershire, England + Dene Flaxley Ardlonde Flaxleie, Gloucestershire, England -
Sir William XIII, Keeper of the Forest Dene, Hathaway * 1440 Gloucestershire, England + Dene Flaxley Ardlonde Flaxleie, Gloucestershire, England -
Sir William XIII, Keeper of the Forest Dene, Hathaway * 1440 Gloucestershire, England + Dene Flaxley Ardlonde Flaxleie, Gloucestershire, England -
Sir William XIII, Keeper of the Forest Dene, Hathaway * 1440 Gloucestershire, England + Dene Flaxley Ardlonde Flaxleie, Gloucestershire, England -