
Vorname Familienname Details Eltern Datenbank
Milburn Edward Jannusch * 1918 Oakland, Alameda County, California + 1998 Medford, Jackson, Oregon, USA Jannusch - Dattan
Constantina Helena Anna Rosalie "Connie" Mantzurani * 1919 Sacramento, California, USA + 2011 Ashland, Jackson, Oregon Mantzurani - Cassero
Helma Davee Overley * 1914 Denver CO + 2005 Ashland, Jackson, Oregon Overly -
Richard A Saltmarsh * 1931 Medford, Jackson County, Oregon, United States of America + 1999 Eagle Point, Jackson County, Oregon, United States of America Saltmarsh - Manke (Mahnke)
Courtney Harold TALLEY * 1928 Seminole, Seminole, Oklahoma, USA + 1987 Grants Pass, Josephine County, Oregon, United States of America Talley - Walmer
Anna Loreana Walmer * 1909 Purcell, McClain County, Oklahoma, United States of America + 1988 Grants Pass, Josephine County, Oregon, United States of America -