
Vorname Familienname Details Eltern Datenbank
Josephine L. Arnold * 1837 New York, United States of America + 1920 Eaton County, Michigan, United States of America Goodrich - Darby
Asa Goodrich * 1839 La Fargeville, Jefferson County, New York, United States of America + 1920 Eaton County, Michigan, United States of America Goodrich - Darby
Byron Goodrich * 1845 New Brunswick, Canada + 1920 Eaton County, Michigan, United States of America Goodrich - Darby
Edgar M Hinckley * 1868 Potterville, Michigan + 1914 Eaton County, Michigan, United States of America -
Erma Leoma Parr * 1914 Eaton County, Michigan, United States of America + 2002 Delta Township, Eaton County, Michigan Parr - Bartholomew