
Vorname Familienname Details Eltern Datenbank
Rosa Bernadine Colvin * 1920 Hudson Falls, Washington, New York, USA + 2002 Gansevoort, Saratoga, New York, USA -
William George Kunemund * 1923 New York City, New York + 1996 Fort Ann, Washington, New York, USA Kunemund - Bachus
Nathaniel Peck * 1699 Swansea, Bristol County, Massachusetts, United States of America + 1756 Fort Edward, Washington County, New York, United States of America Peck - Peck
Nathaniel Peck * 1699 Swansea, Bristol County, Massachusetts, United States of America + 1756 Fort Edward, Washington County, New York, United States of America Peck - Peck