
Vorname Familienname Details Eltern Datenbank
Carl Harmon Sr. Bradley * 1934 Connecticut + 2001 Fort Myers, Lee, Florida, United States of America -
Ewald Dreger * 1913 Ohio, USA + 1979 Fort Myers, Lee, Florida, United States of America Dreger - Dreger
Albert Grigat * 1928 Chicago, Cook County, Illinois, United States of America + 2008 Lee, Florida, United States Grigat - Jackst
William Xavier Huber * 1889 Camden, Camden, New Jersey, USA + 1978 Fort Myers, Lee, Florida, United States of America Huber - Kohlhepp
Thomas A. Reimer * 1939 Illinois, United States + 2006 Fort Myers, Lee, Florida, United States of America -
Eleanora Frances Young * 1898 Pennsylvania, USA + 1983 Fort Myers, Lee, Florida, United States of America -