
Vorname Familienname Details Eltern Datenbank
Lena A G Coleman * 1884 Illinois, United States + 1937 Washington County, Oregon Collman - Janssen
Lena A G Coleman * 1884 Illinois, United States + 1937 Washington County, Oregon Collman - Janssen
David Koegeboehn * 1881 Illinois, USA + 1943 McMinnville, Yamhill County, Oregon, USA Koegeboehn - Moll
David Koegeboehn * 1881 Illinois, USA + 1943 McMinnville, Yamhill County, Oregon, USA Koegeboehn - Moll
James Oster * 1934 + 1993 Oster - Munsch
James Oster * 1934 + 1993 Oster - Munsch
Kenneth King Schmid * 1913 Wisconsin, United States of America + 1998 Hillsboro, Washington County, Oregon, United States of America Schmid - King
Helen Irene Schmid Dolezal * 1916 Trout Lake, Klickitat, Washington + 2013 Hillsboro, Washington County, Oregon, United States of America Schmid - King