
Vorname Familienname Details Eltern Datenbank
Burnes Hardcastle * 1922 , Howell, Missouri, U.S.A. + 1994 Jefferson, Cole, Missouri, U.S.A. Hardcastle - Epley
Earl Ray Hardcastle * 1927 , , Missouri, U.S.A. + 1982 Jefferson, Cole, Missouri, U.S.A. Hardcastle -
August Felix Jokerst * 1900 Weingarten, Ste. Genevieve, Missouri, United States of America + 1959 Jefferson, Cole, Missouri, United States of America Jokerst - Huber
David Jacob Propst * 1916 91, Bollinger, Missouri, United States of America + 1971 Jefferson, Cole, Missouri, United States of America -