
Vorname Familienname Details Eltern Datenbank
Anna Boehm * 1787 Kalchreuth, Kingdom of Bavaria + 1853 Borbath (Emskirchen), Kingdom of Bavaria -
Catharina Foertsch * 1824 Kalchreuth, Kingdom of Bavaria + 1894 Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA Foertsch - Boehm
Friedrich Foertsch * 1822 Kalchreuth, Kingdom of Bavaria Foertsch - Boehm
Johann Foertsch * 1816 Kalchreuth, Kingdom of Bavaria + 1870 Racine, Racine, Wisconsin, USA Foertsch - Boehm
Johann Foertsch * 1784 Kalchreuth, Kingdom of Bavaria + 1863 Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA -