
Vorname Familienname Details Eltern Datenbank
Paul ARNHEIM + 1942 Killed by the Nazis ARNHEIM - BERNHARDT
Alma BERNHARDT * 1891 Bärwalde/Pommerania + 1942 Killed by the Nazis BERNHARDT - COHN
Leo BERNHARDT * 1887 Bärwalde/Pommerania + 1942 Killed by the Nazis BERNHARDT - COHN
Felix BODEN * 1884 Breslau/Germany + 1942 Killed by the Nazis -
Elli GEISENBERG * 1904 Breslau/Germany + 1942 Killed by the Nazis GEISENBERG - KRZESNY
Clara GLASER + 1942 Killed by the Nazis -
Gertrud GOTTHILF * 1889 Pöhlen near Neustettin Pommerania + 1942 Killed by the Nazis GOTTHILF - BERNHARDT
Lucie GOTTHILF * 1900 Pöhlen near Neustettin Pommerania + 1942 Killed by the Nazis GOTTHILF - BERNHARDT
Margot GOTTHILF * 1931 + Killed by the Nazis GOTTHILF - GLASER
Paul GOTTHILF * 1892 Pöhlen near Neustettin Pommerania + 1942 Killed by the Nazis GOTTHILF - BERNHARDT
Helen KRZESNY * 1882 Lautenberg E/Prussia + 1942 Killed by the Nazis -
Hugo LIPPERT * Neuwedell + 1942 Killed by the Nazis -
Sigrid Erna Lissner * 1905 Riga/Latvia + 1941 killed by the Nazis in Baden-Baden/Germany Lissner ( former named Hirschfeld ) - Gensz