
Vorname Familienname Details Eltern Datenbank
Georg H. MOSER (MORSE) * 1887 Kolberg now Kolobzeg/Poland + 1960 VAncouver, Canada MOSES - LUBSZINSKI
Itzig Levin GRONAU + Kolberg now Kolobzeg/Poland ?? GRONAU - GRONAU
Joseph Levin GRONAU * 1781 + Kolberg now Kolobzeg/Poland ?? GRONAU - GRONAU
Julius GRONAU * 1826 Kolberg now Kolobzeg/Poland + 1903 Belgard/Pommerania, now Bialograd/Poland -
Samuel Levin GRONAU * 1772 + 1849 Kolberg now Kolobzeg/Poland ?? GRONAU - GRONAU
Clara LEVINTHAL * 1857 Kolberg now Kolobzeg/Poland + 1944 Auschwitz Concentration Camp -
Julie LEWINTHAL * 1826 Kolberg now Kolobzeg/Poland + 1908 Berlin , Germany -
Arthur MOSER * 1886 Kolberg now Kolobzeg/Poland + 1944 MOSES - LUBSZINSKI
Ernst MOSER * 1889 Kolberg now Kolobzeg/Poland + 1951 MOSES - LUBSZINSKI
Fritz MOSER * 1893 Kolberg now Kolobzeg/Poland + 1943 Auschwitz Concentration Camp in deportation by the Nazi's MOSES - LUBSZINSKI
Guenther MOSER * 1897 Kolberg now Kolobzeg/Poland + 1943 Auschwitz Concentration Camp MOSES - LUBSZINSKI
Kurt MOSER * 1891 Kolberg now Kolobzeg/Poland + 1943 Auschwitz in Deportation by the Nazis MOSES - LUBSZINSKI
Karl MOSES * 1893 Kolberg now Kolobzeg/Poland + 1948 USA MOSES - JOSEPH