
Vorname Familienname Details Eltern Datenbank
Chestine Martin * 1835 Boyle, Kentucky, United States + 1859 Lafayette County, Wisconsin, United States -
Chestine Martin * 1835 Boyle, Kentucky, United States + 1859 Lafayette County, Wisconsin, United States -
Mary Sophia Meyer * 1871 Lafayette County, Wisconsin, United States of America + 1944 Winslow, Stephenson County, Illinois, United States of America -
Gudbjor "Julia" Olson * 1819 Gran kommune, Oppland fylke, Norway + 1895 Lafayette County, Wisconsin, United States of America -
Lars "Lewis" Olson * 1814 Jevnaker kommune, Oppland fylke, Norway + 1902 Lafayette County, Wisconsin, United States of America -
Lewis Fred Olson * 1859 Wisconsin + 1935 Lafayette County, Wisconsin, United States of America Olson - Olson