
Vorname Familienname Details Eltern Datenbank
Margaret Berg * 1864 Harper, Keokuk County, Iowa, United States of America + 1946 Lutz - Konrad
Margaret Berg * 1864 Harper, Keokuk County, Iowa, United States of America + 1946 Lutz - Konrad
Margaret Berg * 1864 Harper, Keokuk County, Iowa, United States of America + 1946 Fleming, Logan, Colorado, USA Lutz - Konrad
Margaret Berg * 1864 Harper, Keokuk County, Iowa, United States of America + 1946 Fleming, Logan, Colorado, USA Lutz - Konrad
Elizabeth Helgoth * 1895 Olpe, Lyon County, Kansas, United States of America + 1967 Thill - Good
Elizabeth Helgoth * 1895 Olpe, Lyon County, Kansas, United States of America + 1967 Thill - Good
Elizabeth Helgoth * 1895 Olpe, Lyon County, Kansas, United States of America + 1967 Thill - Good
Elizabeth Helgoth * 1895 Olpe, Lyon County, Kansas, United States of America + 1967 Thill - Good