
Vorname Familienname Details Eltern Datenbank
Herman Ferdinand Butzlaff * 1886 Dayton, Butler, Iowa, USA + 1948 Mason City, Cerro Gordo County, Iowa, United States of America Butzlaff - Schultz
Marcellus Demo * 1848 North Hero, Grand Isle County, Vermont, United States of America + 1920 Mason City, Cerro Gordo County, Iowa, United States of America -
Helen L Ewers * 1886 + 1971 Iowa, United States of America Rosseisen - Koepke
Lucille Irene Krause * 1919 Pleasant Valley, Cerro Gordo, Iowa + 2011 Mason City, Cerro Gordo County, Iowa, United States of America Krause - Von Der Linde
Diane Leona Selma Petschke * 1942 Martin County, Minnesota, United States of America + 1998 Petschke - Schmidtke
Walter David Ringgenberg * 1877 Polk County, Iowa, United States of America + 1951 Mason City, Cerro Gordo County, Iowa, United States of America Ringgenberg - Kurtz
Auguste S Rosseisen * 1871 Germany + 1961 Rosseisen - Koepke
Hymen Halleck Shoop * 1854 Grand Detour, Ogle County, Illinois, United States of America + 1925 Mason City, Cerro Gordo County, Iowa, United States of America Shoop - Smice
Henry Harold Stoltenberg * 1899 Minnesota + 1989 Stoltenberg - Johnson
Herbert Owen Taylor * 1917 Hayfield Han, Iowa + 1989 Taylor - Stoltenberg