
Vorname Familienname Details Eltern Datenbank
Adolph Gustav Kapahnke * 1876 Sascoczyn + 1901 Midland County, Michigan, United States of America Kapahnke - Ittrich
Heinrich Ferdinand Kapahnke * 1835 Germany + 1904 Midland County, Michigan, United States of America Kapahnke - Burandt
Heinrich Ferdinand Kapahnke * 1835 Neufietz, Berent, Westpreußen + 1904 Midland County, Michigan, United States of America Kapahnke - Burandt
Herman Gustav Kapahnke * 1878 Saskoczyn + 1969 Midland County, Michigan, United States of America Kapahnke - Ittrich
Hermann Gustav Kapahnke * 1878 Germany + 1969 Midland County, Michigan, United States of America Kapahnke - Itrich
George Douglas McVay * 1839 Euclid, Cuyahoga County, Ohio, United States of America + 1900 Midland County, Michigan, United States of America McVay - Sumner