
Vorname Familienname Details Eltern Datenbank
Carl Christof Gaus * 1863 Stein (Koenigsbach-Stein), Enzkreis, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany + 1944 Peru, La Salle, Illinois, USA Gauss - Lindenmann
Wilhelmina Gaus * 1870 + 1954 -
Albert Philip Gauss * 1897 + 1991 Gaus - Gaus
Alma Phillipina Gauss * 1908 Illinois, United States of America + 1995 Peru, LaSalle County, Illinois, United States of America Gaus - Gaus
Anna Katherine Gauss * 1890 + 1964 Gaus - Gaus
Edith W. Gauss * 1904 + 1992 Gaus - Gaus
Frieda K. Gauss * 1908 Hollowayville, Bureau County, Illinois, United States of America + 1986 Spring Valley, Bureau County, Illinois, United States of America Gaus - Gaus
Lillian P. Gauss * 1912 + 1979 Gaus - Gaus
Mary Holtrup * 1861 Burlington, Racine County, Wisconsin, United States of America + 1897 Peru, LaSalle County, Illinois, United States of America Holtrup - Holtrup
Mary Holtrup * 1861 Burlington, Racine County, Wisconsin, United States of America + 1897 Peru, LaSalle County, Illinois, United States of America Holtrup - Holtrup
Mary Holtrup * 1861 Burlington, Racine County, Wisconsin, United States of America + 1897 Peru, LaSalle County, Illinois, United States of America Holtrup - Holtrup
Mary Holtrup * 1861 Burlington, Racine County, Wisconsin, United States of America + 1897 Peru, LaSalle County, Illinois, United States of America Holtrup - Bertelsbeck
Mary Holtrup * 1861 Burlington, Racine County, Wisconsin, United States of America + 1897 Peru, LaSalle County, Illinois, United States of America Holtrup - Bertelsbeck