
Vorname Familienname Details Eltern Datenbank
Georg Heinrich Otto Schomburg * 1910 Kenney, Austin, Texas, USA + 1913 Schomburg - Meier
Paul Hermann Albert Schomburg * 1914 Philippsburg, Texas, USA + 1992 Colorado County, Texas, USA Schomburg - Meier
Judith Ann Schubert * 1957 Philipsburg, Centre County, Pennsylvania, United States of America + 1998 Beaumont, Jefferson County, Texas, United States of America -
Minna Schwefel * 1856 Neu Trebbin + 1866 Philipsburg, Granite, Montana, USA Schwefel - Scheer
Martha (Mattie) Seguine * 1872 New Jersey + 1930 Philipsburg, Warren County, New Jersey -
Ione Madeline Smith * 1904 Philipsburg, Montana + 1981 Anaconda, Deer Lodge, Montana Smith - Kinyon
Lawrence Kinyon Smith * 1906 Philipsburg, Granite, Montana + 1952 Deer Lodge, Montana, USA Smith - Kinyon
Fred Superneau * 1902 Philipsburg/USA + 1945 -
Oscar S. Swalm * 1814 Montgomery, Orange Co., New York + 1886 Philipsburg, Orange Co., New York Schwalm - Decker
Abraham Underhill * 1723 White Plains, Westchester, New York + 1798 Philipsburg, Westchester, New York, USA -
Blanche G. Unk * 1894 New Jersey + 1930 Philipsburg, Warren County, New Jersey -