
Vorname Familienname Details Eltern Datenbank
William John Brophil * 1882 registered in the District of Killoughy in the Union of Tullamore in the County of King`s + 1929 Queens, New York, cert.# 5016 Brophil - Kelly
Nicola Antonio Buggiano * 1866 Mezzanego, Italy + 1915 Queens, New York, cert.# 2192 Buggiano - Vinelo
Peter John Buggiano * 1897 New York City, Cert. # 10396 + 1918 Queens, New York, cert.# 2354 Buggiano - Raffe
John De Martini * 1929 Queens, New York, Crt # 9776 + 1934 Queens, New York, cert.# 3131 De Martini - Eckstine
Mary Anne Finlay * 1869 Ballyconnell, County Cavan, Ireland + 1935 Queens, New York, cert.# 7332 Finlay - Pryor
Patrick H Finnegan * 1861 New York City, Cert. # + 1906 Queens, New York, cert.# 19 Finnegan - Cox
Laura O`Dierna * 1887 Italy + 1968 Queens, New York, cert.# -
James Elmer Sutton * 1910 Pajaros, Bayamon, Puerto Rico + 1925 Queens, New York, cert.# 6021 Sutton - Gonzalez