
Vorname Familienname Details Eltern Datenbank
Mary * 1861 Spotland, Lancashire, England + 1891 Rochdale, Lancashire, England -
Thomas Chadwick * 1550 Spotland, Lancashire, England + 1615 Lancastershire, England Chadwick of Healey - Heywood
Thomas Chadwick * 1550 Spotland, Lancashire, England + 1615 Lancastershire, England Chadwick of Healey - Heywood
Mary Emily Cryer * 1870 Spotland, Lancashire, England + -
Elizabeth Ann Hacking * 1855 Spotland, Lancashire, England + 1910 Rochdale, Lancashire, England -
Edward Hardcastle * 1882 Spotland, Lancashire, England + Hardcastle - Hacking
Josiah Law * 1851 Spotland, Lancashire, England Law -