
Vorname Familienname Details Eltern Datenbank
Joseph J Maginot * 1928 St Johns, Crown Point, In - + 2006 Porter, Indiana, United States of America Maginot - Schumacher
Joseph J Maginot * 1928 St Johns, Crown Point, In - + 2006 Porter, Indiana, United States of America Maginot - Schumacher
Joseph J Maginot * 1928 St Johns, Crown Point, In - + 2006 Porter, Indiana, United States of America Maginot - Schumacher
Joseph J Maginot * 1928 St Johns, Crown Point, In - + 2006 Porter, Indiana, United States of America Maginot - Schumacher
Joseph J Maginot * 1928 St Johns, Crown Point, In - + 2006 Porter, Indiana, United States of America Maginot - Schumacher