
Vorname Familienname Details Eltern Datenbank
Eleanor Berning Bourke * 1899 Texas, USA + 1983 Temple, Bell, Texas, United States of America Berning - Casselman
Eleanor Berning Bourke * 1899 Texas, USA + 1983 Temple, Bell, Texas, United States of America Berning - Casselman
Eleanor Berning Bourke * 1899 Texas, USA + 1983 Temple, Bell, Texas, United States of America Berning - Casselman
Eleanor Berning Bourke * 1899 Texas, USA + 1983 Temple, Bell, Texas, United States of America Berning - Casselman
Eleanor Berning Bourke * 1899 Texas, USA + 1983 Temple, Bell, Texas, United States of America Berning - Casselman
Ernest Wiese * 1889 Prairie Hill, Washington, Texas + 1962 Texas - Schulenburg
Ernest Wiese * 1889 Prairie Hill, Washington, Texas + 1962 Texas - Schulenburg