
Vorname Familienname Details Eltern Datenbank
John Clifford Garber * 1865 Vernon, Wisconsin, USA + 1923 Tomahawk, Lincoln, Wisconsin, USA Garber -
Kenneth Keith Garber * 1906 Cassian, Oneida County, Wisconsin, United States of America + 1934 Beloit, Rock County, Wisconsin, United States of America Garber - Steele
John Scheffner * 1859 Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA + 1939 Tomahawk, Lincoln County, Wisconsin Schaffner - Dettwiler
Reinholdt Scheffner * 1899 Tomahawk, Lincoln County, Wisconsin + 1970 Iron Mountain, Dickinson County, Michigan Scheffner - Schimmel
Martha Louise Margareth Schimmel * 1871 Schneidemühl, Westpreußen + 1949 Tomahawk, Lincoln County, Wisconsin, United States of America Schimmel - Hell (Hill)
Christian Mark Schuckhart * 1876 Richland County, Illinois + 1947 Tomahawk, Lincoln County, Wisconsin Schuckhart - Trarbach^Trobaugh
Addie Genette Steele * 1870 Java Village, Wyoming, New York, USA + 1930 Beloit, Rock, Wisconsin, USA - Wood