
Vorname Familienname Details Eltern Datenbank
Diederich Dankers * 1848 Deinste, Stade, Niedersachsen, Deutschland + 1928 Wabasha County, Minnesota, United States of America Dankers - Lemmermann
Fred Dankers * 1889 Minnesota, United States of America + 1969 Wabasha County, Minnesota, United States of America Dankers - USA - - Mathiessen
Rosa M Dewner * 1896 Minnesota, United States of America + 1992 Wabasha County, Minnesota, United States of America Dewner - Hardtke
Rosa M Dewner * 1896 Minnesota, United States of America + 1992 Wabasha County, Minnesota, United States of America Dewner - Hardtke
Charles Frederick Ingalls * 1875 Walnut Grove, Redwood County, Minnesota, United States of America + 1876 South Troy, Wabasha County, Minnesota, United States of America Ingalls - Quiner
Charles Frederick Ingalls * 1875 Walnut Grove, Redwood County, Minnesota, United States of America + 1876 South Troy, Wabasha County, Minnesota, United States of America Ingalls - Quiner
Mary Helen Mars * 1885 Wabasha County, Minnesota, United States of America + 1981 Wabasha County, Minnesota, United States of America -
Betty Verleen Mayer * 1921 Olmsted County, Minnesota, United States of America + 1987 Wabasha County, Minnesota, United States of America -
Bernard Albert Passe * 1881 Wabasha County, Minnesota, United States of America + 1948 Wabasha County, Minnesota, United States of America -
Catherine Mary Passe * 1920 Wabasha County, Minnesota, United States of America + 2007 Albany, Stearns County, Minnesota, United States of America Passe -
Robert E. Schnell * 1897 Wisconsin + 1972 Schnell - Weimar
Robert E. Schnell * 1897 Wisconsin + 1972 Schnell - Weimar
Audrey Anna Tomfohrde * 1918 Wabasha County, Minnesota, United States of America + 1999 Olmsted County, Minnesota, United States of America Tomfohrde - Oelkers
Gerald Arnold Tomfohrde * 1923 Wabasha County, Minnesota, United States of America + 2015 Zumbrota, Goodhue County, Minnesota, United States of America Tomfohrde - Oelkers
Leroy Hein Tomfohrde * 1917 Wabasha County, Minnesota, United States of America + 2003 Mazeppa, Wabasha, Minnesota, USA Tomfohrde - Oelkers
Ida Alvina Wohlers * 1897 Wabasha County, Minnesota, United States of America + 1977 Goodhue, Minnesota Wohlers - Roper
John C. Wohlers * 1862 Minnesota + 1947 Wabasha County, Minnesota, United States of America -