
Vorname Familienname Details Eltern Datenbank
Richard Pearce * 1615 Waltham Abbey, Essex shire, England, United Kingdom + 1677 Portsmouth, Newport County, Rhode Island, United States of America PEARCE - JACOBS
Richard Pearce * 1615 Waltham Abbey, Essex shire, England, United Kingdom + 1677 Portsmouth, Newport County, Rhode Island, United States of America PEARCE - JACOBS
Richard Pearce * 1615 Waltham Abbey, Essex shire, England, United Kingdom + 1677 Portsmouth, Newport County, Rhode Island, United States of America PEARCE - JACOBS
Richard Pearce * 1615 Waltham Abbey, Essex shire, England, United Kingdom + 1677 Portsmouth, Newport County, Rhode Island, United States of America PEARCE - JACOBS
Richard Pearce * 1615 Waltham Abbey, Essex shire, England, United Kingdom + 1677 Portsmouth, Newport County, Rhode Island, United States of America PEARCE - JACOBS