
Vorname Familienname Details Eltern Datenbank
Benjamin Franklin Coe * 1854 Washington County, Iowa, United States of America + 1854 Washington County, Iowa, United States of America Coe - Tracy
Maria Jane Gentle * 1854 Washington County, Iowa, United States of America + 1949 Creston, Union County, Iowa, United States of America Coe - Tracy
Paul Stanley Zeno Hammes * 1920 Keokuk County, Iowa, United States of America + 2000 Washington County, Iowa, United States of America Hammes - Vogel
Paul Stanley Zeno Hammes * 1920 Keokuk County, Iowa, United States of America + 2000 Washington County, Iowa, United States of America Hammes - Vogel
Mary Emily "Emma" Schneider * 1858 Washington County, Iowa, United States + 1942 Bon Homme County, South Dakota, United States -