
Vorname Familienname Details Eltern Datenbank
Eugene Carney "Gene" Ebel * 1935 Washington D.C. Temple, Washington, District of Columbia, USA + 2012 Washington D.C. Temple, Washington, District of Columbia, USA Ebel - Carney
Kathleen Ann "Kate" Ebel * 1939 Washington D.C. Temple, Washington, District of Columbia, USA + 2010 Upper Marlboro, Prince George's County, Maryland, United States of America Ebel - Carney
William Friedrich Ebel * 1933 Washington D.C. Temple, Washington, District of Columbia, USA + 2013 Ocean Pines, Worcester County, Maryland, United States of America Ebel - Carney
William Friedrich "Bill" Ebel * 1904 Riehl, Köln, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany + 1968 Washington D.C. Temple, Washington, District of Columbia, USA Ebel - Klemm
Henry Schweitzer * 1856 Washington D.C. Temple, Washington, District of Columbia, USA + Schweitzer - Lehnhard