
Vorname Familienname Details Eltern Datenbank
Adolph Lewis Bauernfeind * 1889 Waushara County, Wisconsin, USA + 1977 Oshkosh, Winnebago, Wisconsin, USA Bauernfeind - Boeck
Alma C Deppe * 1890 Waushara County, Wisconsin, USA + 1962 Menasha, Winnebago County, Wisconsin, USA Deppe - Timm
Mathilda Jane Haskins * 1862 Waushara County, Wisconsin, USA + 1938 Big Flats, Adams, Wisconsin, USA Haskins - Richie
Amelia Knüppel * 1873 Wisconsin + 1941 Waushara County, Wisconsin, USA Knüppel - Panter
Amanda Wilhelmine Koop * 1890 Waushara County, Wisconsin, USA + 1899 Koop - Mueske
Johann David Christian Koop * 1830 Germany + 1907 Waushara County, Wisconsin, USA -
Florence Irene Lloyd * 1920 Waushara County, Wisconsin, USA + 2006 Lloyd - Hoppa
George Louis Lloyd * 1921 Waushara County, Wisconsin, USA + 1921 Aurora, Waushara County, Wisconsin, USA Lloyd - Hoppa
Alvina Albertine Mueske * 1870 Waushara County, Wisconsin + 1953 Oshkosh, Winnebago County, Wisconsin -
Johanne Sophie Dorothea Peters * 1837 Germany + 1931 Waushara County, Wisconsin, United States of America -
Richard A. Schubert * 1904 Waushara County, Wisconsin, USA, + Pontiac, Oakland, Michigan, Schubert -
Ernestine Tugendreich Schwandt * 1817 Wepritz (Nm.) (poln. Wieprzyce) + 1885 Waushara County, Wisconsin Schwandt -
Ernestine Tugendreich Schwandt * 1817 Wepritz (Nm.) (poln. Wieprzyce) + 1885 Waushara County, Wisconsin Schwandt -
CHARLES WILLIAM SELLE * 1869 Bloomfield, Waushara, Wisconsin, USA + 1931 Waushara County, Wisconsin, USA Selle - Gabel
Carl Gotthilf Strehlow * 1813 Prussia + 1893 Waushara County, Wisconsin -
Carl Gotthilf Strehlow * 1813 Wepritz (Nm.) (poln. Wieprzyce) + 1893 Waushara County, Wisconsin Strehlow - Menge
Clara P. Strehlow * 1884 Waushara County, Wisconsin Strehlow - Trachte
Herman Gustav Strehlow * 1845 Prussia + 1909 Waushara County, Wisconsin Strehlow - Schwandt
Hermann Gustav Strehlow * 1845 Prussia + 1909 Waushara County, Wisconsin Strehlow - Schwandt
Heinrich Ludwig Gottlieb Timm * 1870 Wisconsin, United States of America + 1873 Waushara County, Wisconsin, United States of America Timm - Schmidt
Magdalene Albertine Rosalene Timm * 1860 Waushara County, Wisconsin, United States of America + 1921 Weyauwega, Waupaca County, Wisconsin, United States of America Timm - Schmidt
Johanna Luise Charlotte Ulrich * 1824 Rathsdamnitz, Stolp, Pommern + 1902 Waushara County, Wisconsin, USA Ulrich - Neumann
Emma Anna Walter * 1887 Waushara County, Wisconsin, USA + Walter - Jaeger
Johannes "John" Evangelist "John" Weber * 1861 Baden-Württemberg, Germany + 1933 Waushara County, Wisconsin, United States of America Weber Schairer - Schairer