
Vorname Familienname Details Eltern Datenbank
Joyce DeCherleton * 1403 of Cherleton, Wrock, Shrop, England + 1446 Middlesex, England Montagu - Holand
Joyce DeCherleton * 1403 of Cherleton, Wrock, Shrop, England + 1446 Middlesex, England Montagu - Holand
Joyce DeCherleton * 1403 of Cherleton, Wrock, Shrop, England + 1446 Middlesex, England Montagu - Holand
Joyce DeCherleton * 1403 of Cherleton, Wrock, Shrop, England + 1446 Middlesex, England Montagu - Holand
Joyce DeCherleton * 1403 of Cherleton, Wrock, Shrop, England + 1446 Middlesex, England Montagu - Holand