Emilie Maria Pauline HAAS

Emilie Maria Pauline HAAS


Type Value Date Place Sources
Name Emilie Maria Pauline HAAS


Type Date Place Sources
birth 21. January 1870 Zimdarse (Siemidarzno), Kreis Greifenberg, Pomerania, Germany search of this place


Title Gutzlaffshagen-Behlkow-Dargislaff Kreis Greifenberg
Description Gutzlaffshagen church and civil records from 1810 through 1910 and Behlkow church records 1786-1874. Dargislaff records 1878-1904. Where possible includes U.S. records of people who emigrated from these villages.
Uploaded 2020-12-13 00:36:04.0
Submitter user's avatar Ray Ericksen
email rperick@hotmail.com
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