Minna Bertha Martha (Born in Dargislaff) BORCHARDT

Minna Bertha Martha (Born in Dargislaff) BORCHARDT


Type Value Date Place Sources
Name Minna Bertha Martha (Born in Dargislaff) BORCHARDT


Type Date Place Sources
birth 9. July 1878 Dargislaff (Dargoslaw), Kreis Greifenberg, Pomerania, Germany search of this place [1]
death 30. July 1878 Dargislaff (Dargoslaw), Kreis Greifenberg, Pomerania, Germany search of this place [2]


1 Polish National Archives, 1878 Dargislaff births scan 37
2 Polish National Archives, 1878 Dargislaff deaths scan 24


Title Gutzlaffshagen-Behlkow-Dargislaff births marriages and deaths
Description Records from Behlkow church records 1786-1874, Gutzlaffshagen church and civil records 1810-1920 and Dargislaff civil records 1874-1910.
Uploaded 2022-10-21 16:43:29.0
Submitter user's avatar Ray Ericksen
email rperick@hotmail.com
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